My Master's Portfolio
Jonathan Langdon
Up Ahead
I currently teach at Calvary Christian Schools in Fruitport, Michigan and I hope to continue to work there for a long time. A few years ago I started a new position at the school as the technology facilitator in addition to my teaching position. As technology facilitator, I have had to learn a number of new things – especially in regards to computer and network maintenance in our school. I have become very familiar with the Linux operating system – converting all of our student computers and most of the staff computers over to Linux, saving the school tens of thousands of dollars in the process. In the future, I would like to continue to learn more about Linux and how to manage and improve the technologies we use at school.
In determining what learning goals I want to pursue, I used a couple of guidelines to help direct which direction I chose to follow. The first criteria, but perhaps not the most important, is that the topic interests me enough to learn about it. Secondly, the topic needs to be relevant and useful to my work and needs for maintaining the computers, network, and website at school. Lastly, the topic of interest needs to be concentrated enough with helpful material to make it worth my while spending time on it.
One major learning goal for the future is that I would like to learn more about Linux and how to manage the computers at our school more effectively. I have learned how to do many things in the command terminal and how to manage a network of Linux computers, but I have never had any official education. offers a few courses in Linux and I would like to start going through those courses and possibly even earn some certificates. Here is a link to the first course about an introduction to Linux: click here.
Another topic I would like to explore more is that of HTML, CSS and website programming in general. I maintain our school's website by editing the HTML code directly (not using some host website like WordPress or Weebly). I know the basics pretty well, but I have never had any official classes on the topic. I audited a class on JavaScript a few years ago, but still could learn more about proper structure with HTML and CSS. Khan Academy has a few courses (click here) as well as edX (click here).
A third goal of mine is to delve more into game design. I like to incorporate educational games in my classroom when possible and I also run a strategic boardgame club at school where students can stay after school and play board games that get them to think in ways they probably haven't before. Games can be a huge motivator for students and can get them to learn things they might not have otherwise. I enjoy researching to find new games for our board game club – games that are a good fit for my students and that get them to think more deeply. A course from covers an introduction to Game Design (click here).
Lastly a fourth goal of mine is to obtain more background in biology. I teach two biology classes at our school, but I have never had any formal education in it beyond the high school level. I majored in Chemistry for my undergraduate, and felt well prepared to teach Physical Science, Chemistry and Physics. Teaching biology has been a stretch for me, but fortunately it is one of the easier science classes to teach oneself. has a number of Biology courses I could take, for example one about proteins and their use in cellular function (click here).
“Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. Whether it be true or not, I can say for one that I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men, by rendering myself worthy of their esteem. How far I shall succeed in gratifying this ambition, is yet to be developed”
- Abraham Lincoln