My Master's Portfolio
Jonathan Langdon
Annotated Transcript - Courses in My Masters Program
2013-2015 I completed the coursework for a Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET).
Below is a description of each of the courses completed with Michigan State University
CEP 810 | SU 2013
Teaching Understanding with Technology
E. Stone, M. White, L. Wolf
This course covered theories of learning, technology use in the classroom, learning in a professional network, and introduced Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) for the first time. We used various new online technologies that would be helpful in our graduate work and teaching. Proper practices with copyright material was emphasized during the creative use of technology. We created a blog, lesson plan, and video that we shared with the whole class and instructor online in our professional network.
CEP 812 | FA 2013
Applying Educational Technology to Practice
C. Gallagher, M. Schira Hagerman
In this course we looked at a number of problems of practice that teachers encounter in the classroom and brainstormed ideas on how we can address those problems. We explored new ideas about problem solving and surveyed a range of digital tools that can help in the classroom. We learned how to use screencasts and worked in a group to make a think tank about a particular "Wicked Problem." As a culmination of the think tank, we made a Blendspace to present our possible solution.
CEP 818 | FA 2014
Creativity in Teaching and Learning
R. Mehta, P. Mishra
In this course we focused on creativity - how teachers can cultivate creativity in the classroom and encourage students to be as creative as possible. We looked at the difficulties in assessing creativity and discussed possible ways to gage whether an assignment is being creative or not. We created a number of images, songs, videos in the class to show our own creativity. We also discussed how creativity is portrayed in the educational environment during the No Child Left Behind era of education.
CEP 800 | SP 2015
Learning in School and Other Settings
D. Campbell, S. Keenan
In this course, we reviewed the major psychological perspectives on learning including the behavioral, cognitive and social constructive understandings. We spent some time on misconceptions in learning like those of learning styles. To demonstrate our understanding, we engaged in numerous discussions and created a lesson plan, pecha kucha, and video using online technologies. In the final video, I interviewed my fellow teachers to see what they understood about learning styles.
TE 846 | SU 2015
Accomodating Differences in Literacy Learners
S. Prince
Difficulties with reading and writing can pose serious obstacles to student success in the classroom. To meet the state requirement for upgrading teacher certification to the professional level, I completed this course about practices and principles for literacy in the classroom. Effective methods of practice and assessment principles were discussed and developed. A major focus of the course was assessing the literacy level of a student before and after instructional intervention.
CEP 811 | FA 2013
Adapting Innovative Technology to Education
M. Schira Hagerman, A. Steinman
In this course we strived to use technology in NEW ways - ways that are Novel, Effective, and Whole. We continued to build on the TPACK theory that we learned about in CEP 810 - trying to learn how to find the sweet spot between pedagogy, content and technology. We were also introduced to the "maker culture" where we repurpose and construct technologies for deeper understanding. A number of technologies were used in this course including Google Hangouts, Sketchup, and I also was able to tinker with a Raspberry Pii for my innovative technology project.
CEP 815 | SU 2014
Technology and Leadership
B. Gleason, L. Wolf
Introducing new technology is no easy task for a leader at a school. In this course we discussed effective strategies that a technology leader in a school can use to bring about positive change. We discussed how to build relationships and a shared vision so that everyone is on the same page when introducing change as a leader. As a final project project, I typed a white paper solution to a problem of practice in my current school - how to effectively teach typing in our school while switching over to Linux.
CEP 822 | FA 2014
Approaches to Educational Research
B. Gleason, L. Wolf
In this course we studied the difficulties and benefits of educational research. Educational research can sometimes be inccorectly portrayed as soft science, but it is more of a difference between hard and easy science. Educational research is hard science that requires hard work to obtain useful information. Also, a major focus of this course was developing a research proposal supported by educational research literature.
CEP 820 | SP 2015
Teaching Students Online
E. Boltz, A. Heintz
Focusing specifically on teaching online and fostering an environment for learning there, this course delves into the techniques of online learning. Ideas on how teachers and students can share and exhibit their information online is explored deeply. Various online platforms were tested and I chose to create an online class environment using Weebly for an online Biology class. In our model online course we created 3 lessons to demonstrate how to effectively teach students online.
CEP 807 | SU 2015
Capstone in Educational Technology
M. Koehler
In the culmination of the graduate work, we created an online portfolio displaying the work done in the MAET program. We demonstrated many of the skills and compentencies we learned during the program using online technologies effectively and professionally. We also reflected on the past goals we had coming into the program as well as aspirations for the future. This final project was presented in a group setting as one of the final requirements.